As a result of numerous errors identified by both CGS and the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) contractor related to home health face-to-face (FTF) encounter documentation, CGS will be initiating a widespread edit for all home health providers. The topic code for this review will be 52xxT (‘xx’ denotes various numbers) and the edit will select start of care home health claims equally across the provider community. Once selected, the claims will be reviewed for valid FTF encounter documentation, medical necessity compliance with all CMS coverage guidelines, correct billing and coding.
In addition, beginning July 8, 2013, CGS will begin requesting the initial certification face-to-face (FTF) encounter documentation is submitted with all home health claims selected for Medical Review. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) clarified the “face-to-face encounter requirement is necessary for the initial certification, which is a condition of payment. Without a complete initial certification, there cannot be subsequent episodes.” (CMS FAQ # 44)
In addition, beginning July 8, 2013, CGS will begin requesting the initial certification face-to-face (FTF) encounter documentation is submitted with all home health claims selected for Medical Review. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) clarified the “face-to-face encounter requirement is necessary for the initial certification, which is a condition of payment. Without a complete initial certification, there cannot be subsequent episodes.” (CMS FAQ # 44)
The previous was from CGS website: Site goes into additional details of examples of what should be included and what would be considered insufficient within FTF documentation. The site also recommends actions for agencies to prepare for this edit which will come in the form of an Additional Documentation Request (ADR) letter. They recommend:
- Checking for claims in the Additional Development Request status/location in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) at least weekly.
- Prior to submitting your documentation to CGS, ensure that it undergoes a review by a clinician at your agency.
- Mailing your documentation for claims selected to CGS by day 30.